It’s been suggested that Yitzi do a “guest post” on the blog, to relate his experience so far. I’m not sure that’s a good idea. Yitzi’s written work is a bit… surreal. For example, here’s a recent email exchange he had with my Dad (using Debbie’s email account):
From: Debbie Kovel Shmikler <>
To: Robert Shmikler <>
Sent: Tue, September 11, 2012 8:01:22 AM
Subject: Joke
Dear Grandpa
Why did the snacks cross the road? To get to the zoo!
I love you and miss you very very much.
On 11 בספט 2012, at 05:05 אחה״צ, Robert Shmikler <> wrote:
Dear Yitzi,
Hummmm…I’m still trying to understand the joke. Was somebody carrying the snacks?
I love you too and miss you. I think about my trip to come and see you and your brothers every day. I look on Facebook and the blog for news about you.
Maybe we can Skype tomorrow (Wednesday)? I’m very busy today because I have to drive Grandma to the doctor in downtown Chicago for her annual heart check-up.
From: Debbie Kovel Shmikler <>
To: Robert Shmikler <>
Sent: Tue, September 11, 2012 12:04:53 PM
Subject: Joke
the snacks were going to the bag in the zoo. Nobody was holding the snacks.
From: Robert Shmikler <>
Date: 12 בספטמבר 2012 02:14:23 לפנה״צ GMT+03:00
To: Debbie Kovel Shmikler <>
Subject: Re: Joke
Now I’m really confused. Who is “Hitting”?
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